Friday, January 1, 2010

The Year of the Tiger

A new year, a new blog post. I realize that nothing has drastically changed since my last post except the date that will appear at the bottom of this page. What has changed, however, is my ambition to kick butt this year. The Chinese Zodiac calendar says that the year of the Metal Tiger is going to be an unlucky year for many, and that may be, but I am want to face 2010 head on. My normal reaction to New Years is to turn over, sleep in and let the New Year walk all over me. Well, I just cannot afford to do that any longer. This is the year that I turn 25, the dreaded quarter of a century old, quarter life crisis "I'm almost 30!" freak out year that many have braved over the years and few have enjoyed. Well, it is now my turn to embrace my mid-twenties head on.
I am not really one to pursue heavily set long term goals. In fact, I am, rather, a short term goal whiz! I get a certain satisfaction in crossing off task on my "to do list." I thrive in the attainable "I just finished grocery shopping--go me!" kind of goals and rely on happenstance for the rest of my life. On further reflect, I am not sure if this is the best way to go. Here I am 3 months shy of 25 and have a list of things "I like doing" and not a list of things that "I love doing." So I challenge myself to really take hold of 2010 and find out what I really want out of my life. I know this sounds like the beginning of some sappy "chick-flick" staring Amy Adams, and this is most likely due to the fact that I just finished watching "Julie and Julia" due to post New Years revelry induced insomnia, but I digress...I have been contemplating this for a long time.
Since I have already dedicated this year to National Service, serving the community, the underprivileged and the Nation I feel that I deserve a little time serving myself. For the first time ever I have sat down and made a list of resolutions and I am determined to stick to them...or more realistically most of them. I have 330 some days left of my service term and I intend to make use of every single one of them to; do the best I can at this new, challenging and rewarding job, to improve myself mentally and physically, to enhance my knowledge and skills, to become "healthy" in every sense of the word, to learn to relax, to improve my relationships, to learn to say "NO", to be more assertive, to be more self aware, to be less afraid, to widen my horizons, to be more adventurous, to be more positive, to be more artistic, to ask the ever allusive questions "what do I want?" To actually answer that question.
So in conclusion, I hope when I look back on 2010 I can look back with a better sense of who I am and reflect on my journey to self discovery.

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